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Re: Jagtrejse til Polen eller Sverige?

Fora Jagt i udlandet Jagtrejse til Polen eller Sverige? Re: Jagtrejse til Polen eller Sverige?
1 Indlæg

We are the premier agency of hunting in Poland. We provide individual and group hunting since 5 years. We met wonderful hunters from Denmark. If you are interested in visiting the Polish and you have the desire to hunt with us we invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer. On our website you will find interesting information about the hunts organized by us and photos from previous seasons. Gather your friends and come to us to get a taste of real adventure. For leaders and groups over 7 hunters we have attractive discounts. If you’re not interested then I apologize for taking your time. Maybe some of your friends will be interested in this offer.

More info:

Best regards.
See you in the forest!

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